Electronic Custom Pledge

Evolving Community Capital Campaign

[email protected]

Important Notes for All Donors:

*  Single payment gifts and multi-year pledges are encouraged.

*  All gifts are tax deductible as allowed by law.

*  Payments can be made securely Here.

My Gift & Pledge

Please include street, city, state, and zip code.
In the box above, list the coming years with the yearly total amount to be received by Alder Springs. Ex: Total pledge of $500 given over 5 years: 2023-$100, 2024-$100, 2025-$100, 2026-$100, 2027-$100
Select an option if your pledge is in honor or in memory of someone.
Complete this field if you'd like someone to be notified of your gift (amount not included).
I hereby make this pledge to Alder Springs & certify that this information is correct. I authorize you to contact me for payment reminders and any relevant information to my pledge.