Alder Springs is designed to meet the unique needs of the deaf, deafblind, blind, and hard of hearing featuring apartments with advanced sensory technologies and communal gathering spaces.

Our Community
Alder Springs is the only nonprofit community for the deaf, deafblind, blind and hard of hearing in the US. All construction is funded entirely by charitable gifts, pledges and grants.

If you have questions about Alder Springs or are interested in joining our community, please don't hesitate to get in touch!
A Morganton, NC Deaf, DeafBlind, Blind and Hard of Hearing Community
Alder Springs simplifies day-to-day living through an ingenious blend of smart architecture, inspired technology, and delightful location.
- Independent Living apartment community designed for deaf, deaf/blind, blind and Hard of Hearing
- Apartments allow easy mobility and communication
- Advanced technologies enhance safety, security, and communication
- In a deaf and blind-friendly city in Western NC with abundant support services
- Privately owned and funded (no government funding)
- Non profit organization with proceeds supporting deaf education
Campaign Goal: $3,750,000
Amount to Goal
Oct. 22, 2024
An Immersive Experience for Deaf and Non-Deaf Alike
Alder Springs and the wider deaf community are excited for another innovative performance by the Simowitz/Long duo. All proceeds of November's play go to benefit Alder Springs in the current Capital Campaign for campus expansion.
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